Vision Edibles and Marijuana

Vision Edibles and Marijuana

Tadpoles have a natural aversion to bright, moving dots that might be harmful to them. To see if the cellular responses they observed could contribute to vision, Dr. Moscon and his colleagues conducted a second set of studies. You can find more information here.Tadpoles have an innate tendency to avoid dark, traveling dots, so the researchers utilized specially developed video-tracking software to track the movements of the tadpoles and the dots while also measuring tadpole avoidance reactions. Looking to try something new? Check out this

The researchers found no differences between tadpoles that had been treated with a synthetic cannabinoid and those that hadn’t in normal light. However, when the tadpoles were placed in the dark, they avoided significantly more dots than untreated ones, which only responded to the dots as if by chance. As a result of this, the researchers conclude that under low-light circumstances,

Whether the findings are relevant to humans will be determined in future research, but if they are, they may lead to therapies for retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma, which cause blindness by killing off cells in the retina. Cannabinoids have been shown to have a neuroprotective effect on retinal cells, suggesting that medications based on the drug might not only improve eyesight for people with deteriorating eyesight but also halt their deterioration.

Regular cannabis use slowed down visual information processing in the retina, according to a study published Thursday in JAMA Ophthalmology. Even though the impact was minor, the researchers suggested that this disruption may have an effect on eyesight for frequent pot smokers and edible consumers.

“It’s not only the smell that may be strange,” says Dr. Laprevote. “Such a difference may go unnoticed by cannabis users. However, it is crucial because it might reflect changes in the communication between neurons that occur as a result of normal cannabis usage.”

Marijuana VS Glaucoma

The internet is rife with conflicting information, so I looked to a holy source – the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s website. I’ll attempt to explain it in simple terms for the laymen:

The idea that marijuana can help with glaucoma was first put forth in the 1970s. Marijuana use was found to lower IOP. Nonetheless, this is only for a few hours.

Glaucoma, like any other eye disease, has to be managed 24 hours a day, which implies that you must smoke marijuana 6-8 times each day. It also influences your capacity to drive a car, use machinery, and function adequately.

There are other negative effects as well. Marijuana cigarettes contain a number of chemicals that are harmful to the lungs. It also has an impact on short-term memory and attention at high doses.

Intraocular pressure isn’t the only risk factor for optic nerve damage. “Glaucoma, which has been linked to brain deterioration and Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, is a neurological illness, according to recent research.”

There’s evidence that restricting blood flow to the optic nerve can also harm people with glaucoma. Furthermore, marijuana lowers both pressure and blood pressure, which may limit blood flow to the optic nerve and negate the benefits of having decreased IOP.”

I’m not going to argue with the Academy. I’m the little guy. However, it’s a mystery to me why they don’t speak about smoking at all. There are chocolates, cookies, and other delectable items that aren’t harmful to the lungs, and I believe they taste better when eaten in moderation. It would be fascinating to look at how popular foods affect vision. Once more, only small doses! I’m a proponent of temperance.

Is It Something to Worry About?

It’s completely normal and entirely safe to have red eyes after taking edibles. It might be difficult to cope with, especially if you use cannabis as medicine. Cannabis has a negative reputation, and dealing with red eyes at work might attract unwanted attention.

Over-the-counter eye drops can help you reduce redness and discomfort caused by allergies or other factors. You may also try splashing cool water across your face and eyes, drinking some coffee, or eating dark chocolate, all of which can aid in the narrowing of eye blood vessels.

The stuff will eventually go away, but keep in mind that eye redness from edibles generally lasts longer than other marijuana intake methods. It not only takes longer to manifest its full effect of 2-3 hours, but it also takes much longer to reach its peak efficacy. The reddening can persist for anything from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the dosage. Your metabolism, weight, and tolerance all play a role in how long it takes your eyes to recover. Plan ahead and use low THC strains if at all possible.

Although further research is necessary, experts are concerned about the potential harmful effects of cannabis on peripheral vision, eye pressure changes, and visual processing. Marijuana use may have serious consequences in these areas.

Some people are curious about the prospective advantages of marijuana for glaucoma patients. Glaucoma is a condition in which increased eye pressure damages the optic nerve. While marijuana lowers eye pressure, it does so for a brief period of time. Because marijuana has an impact on a person’s attention span, decision-making ability, driving ability, and other activities, it is not currently considered as a treatment for glaucoma.


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