Langley cannabis store

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There are some rules that one should follow if they want to visit Langley cannabis store. First, you need to be 19 years old or older and have a valid ID card with you. Second, you can’t smoke or vape weed inside the store premises but you can consume it on the parking lot outside the store. Third, there is no limit on how much weed you can purchase at a time but there is a limit on how much weed you can carry with yourself – 30 grams per person per day.

Langley is one of the first cities in Canada to regulate cannabis stores. In order to visit a cannabis store, you will need to be 19 years or older and have a valid ID.

Visiting Langley cannabis store

Boala misterioasă apărută în statele americane unde a fost legalizat consumul de marijuana. „Se zvârcolesc, se țin de burtă” -

If you are not 19 years old, you can still purchase cannabis products from an online store. You can purchase it at home and then visit Langley cannabis store when you turn 19 years old.

If you would like to get more information about the legalities of cannabis consumption, visit the City of Langley website for more information.

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